Friday 15 July 2011

History of Graphic Design Assignment 1

Exercise 4

History of Graphic Design
Nicole Bresler
Anime, Manga, Otaku and Kawaii


The word anime -- pronounced "ah-knee-may" -- is an abbreviation of the word animation. In Japan, the word's used to refer to all animation. Outside of Japan, it's become the catch-all term for animation from Japan. Anime has a distinct stylized look where literally everything in the animation is brought down to the characteristics that are identified with that object in the real world.  Female anime characters typically have a very good body build, are really pretty, beautiful hair, have nice eyes and personalities and large breasts. Some of the main types include the over expressive one (kinda like a loud cheerleader), the goody-two-shoes, that never seems to do anything wrong and the quiet-watch-her-crush-for-a-distance type.

An example of the typical stylization of the face.

An example of a really pretty anime girl with nice eyes and beautiful hair. (Goody-two-shoes)

An example of an anime character with a good body and large breasts. (Over-expressive cheerleader)

An example of the quiet type.

Male anime characters are typically the hero of the story that save the damsels in distress, are afraid of nothing and beat down the bad guy with flash, sometimes unrealistic moves. Most of the time the male characters fall under the stereotype of a know-it-all, who think they know it all and are better than everybody else, the pretty boy, with naturally perfect hair, smile and eyes or the slightly less impressive nerd, with glasses that reflect light every time the push them back up.

The know-it-all
A common characteristic of this type is that they are all cocky.

The pretty boy
Most pretty boy characters have a more feminine look to them and are more feminine in the way they act.

The nerd

Don’t underestimate them; they are more dangerous than they look.


Manga is the Japanese word for comics. It is used in the English-speaking world as a generic term for all comic books and graphic novels that were originally published in Japan. Manga is released in a weekly form in magazines or in a graphic novel and is very popular in Japan. The manga, like anime, is translated into many different languages but too keep to the traditional way of reading the manga the English version is read back to front, right to left.

There are two main types of manga, namely Shōujo, which is aimed at young females up to the age 18. These series tend to focus on romance and relationships from a young female's point of view. And then Shōnen, this is almost the same as shojo except it is mostly action, sports or romance for males up to age 18. It translates literally as "boy".



Originally お宅 otaku meant house - and as nerds and geeks tend to hang out in their house the word for them became Otaku. In Japanese Otaku generally refers to a nerd or freak of some sort - most usually a computer nerd with no physical abilities who is heavily into reading and other solitary pursuits. It can also refer to someone who has an unhealthy obsession for anything that is unphysical.
In Western cultures the word Otaku has been taken to refer to people who are specifically into Japanese Anime, Games, Cosplay. "Otakon" (short for "otaku convention") is a convention organized by Otakorp, Inc, a non-profit organization. Otakon is focused on anime, manga, East Asian culture, and its fandom.


This is a term in the Japanese language to address anything cute and is literally translated to pretty; cute; lovely; charming; dear; darling; pet. It is not to be confused with Kowai, which means scary. This term is used very often by anime girls to describe anything that can remotely be classified as cute.  As a cultural phenomenon, cuteness or kawaii is increasingly accepted in Japan as a part of Japanese culture and national identity. Kawaii is branching out into nearly everything such as fashion (known as Harajuku style which Kawaii is only a portion of:  ), jewellery, nail art, normal art, food etc. This website is dedicated to Kawaii:

The influence
Anime, or the Japanese style of drawing, has influenced the west since the 1920’s. This has resulted in the change of the western style of art, but more specifically drawing. During that time the influence of the Japanese art caused the western art to become extremely simplified and with bold solid out lines. Such examples of this type of work are:

Also, I think that the Japanese style of art heavily influenced the comic book in the Western culture. When looking at most comic books they have the same characteristics of the Art nouveau and Art Deco period; the think out lines, stylized objects and simplified characters.

Another influence that the Japanese art has on Western art is shown in the modern Western cartoon. These have the typical simplification and stylization of objects that shows just enough detail for the viewer to identify that object with its realistic partner and thick out lines that hold it all together. Examples of these are: Fairly Odd Parents, Ben Ten, Avatar: The last Air bender and power Puff Girls. 

The Japanese also had an influence on the Modern Western style of housing. The Japanese style of house was designed to be very open (reveal a lot of the landscape outside), neat and for everything to fit into one another or in other words to be compact.
Here are some examples of Japanese houses.

Modern Western houses are designed to be spacious, compact and have very often than not geometric structures, which if you compare the two style of house look very similar. Here are some examples of modern Western houses:

History of Graphic Design Assignment 1

Exercise 3 b

Types of Photography

  1. Portrait - Portrait photography or portraiture is the capture by means of photography of the likeness of a person or a small group of people (a group portrait), in which the face and expression is predominant. The objective is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject.
  2. Landscape - Photographs typically capture the presence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions. Landscape photographers usually attempt not only to convey the documentary aspect, but also an appreciation of the scenery that is being photographed.
  3. Macro - Macro photography is close-up photography of usually very small subjects. The classical definition is that the image projected is close to the same size as the subject.
  4. Social - Social photography is a subcategory of photography focusing upon the technology, interaction and activities of individuals who take photographs. Digital cameras, photo sharing websites and the Internet have enabled new tools and methods of social networking that have led to a worldwide increase in socially connected photographers.
  5. Monotone – this type of photography is in black and white. This form of photography can vary from portrait or landscape and contain a wide variety of subjects.
  6. Architecture - Architectural photography captures the different forms of the vast range of buildings, structures and sculptures in new ways and different angles.
  7. Wildlife - Wildlife photography is regarded as one of the more challenging forms of photography. As well as needing sound technical skills, such as being able to expose correctly, wildlife photographers generally need good field craft skills.
  8. Paparazzi - Paparazzi is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photography of celebrities, politicians, and other prominent people.
  9. Surreal - Surrealism in photography was one of the major revolutionary changes in the evolution of photography. Rather than art, photography was reviewed as a copying effort. The surrealistic art forms were the true representations of the path of mind.
  10. Journalistic - Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images, but in some cases the term also refers to video used in broadcast journalism.
Examples of above mentioned types:









The Effect of photograhy on the Public Consciousness:
I think the effect is that the public looks at the photograhys published in magazines, newspapers, internet and books and shape their apperance, views, interests and hobby around it. Thus photography is used as a means to control the public, e.g. a new range of makeup comes out, a photo of a "beautiful" woman wearing the make up is published and once seen by those who read the magazine the photo was published in they will go out and buy it.

History of Graphic Design Assignment 1

Exercise 3


How Technology influences my life:
1. I use my cell phone as an alarm clock in the morning, as well as a calender that reminds me about all the important dates etc. It also updates my calender from Facebook, adding the dates of my friends birthdays and events.
2. Brush my teeth/Shower. Technology has provided my house with fresh running water.
3. Listen to the radio while I eat breakfast. Technology keeps food fresh for longer and constantly keep everyone up to date with news events.
4. Drive to college. Technology has improved transportation.
5. Work on computers. Technology has improved the way we are able to create, work, connect etc.

My feeling on technology:
I feel that technology is a good thing, if the user has respect for it, what they use it for and the others that it might effect. For instance, our upgraded transport system, mainly the microchip, can be used to save someones life, ambulance, but at the same time it can be programmed to close the switch that will complete the circuit of a bomb. So I believe that technology has its good points and its bad points, like everything on this planet.

Others feelings on technology:
It is good, because it saves lifes, but it can be used for evil as well. However, Technology itself is not evil, it is the user, man, that can use it for personal gain. When there were no cell phones or the Internet, we had to work a lot harder.

The views are similar in the regard of human usage and life, but I find technology to be helpful whereas the other view sees it as something that makes people lazy.

History of Graphic Design Assignment 1

Exercise 1

Nicole Bresler Dv2010-0117
History of Graphic Design

Utopia, This page was last modified on 15 March 2011 at 17:05.
Utopia, 2011
Videos for Utopia

Utopia Nature Reserve, 2010.

Utopia Nature Reserve, 2011.

Utopia Nature Reserve

utopia, 2011.

Utopia - 5 dictionary results, 2011.

Images related to Utopia



  1. Definitions, information about destinations, wildlife reserves and get away destination.
  2. I am searching for the definition of Utopia therefore I would ignore information about holiday destinations and wildlife reserves.
  3. Any part of information that defines what Utopia (the word) is, is relevant information and any part of information that doesn’t isn’t.
  4. Images above (Images relating to Utopia)
  5. The wikipedia page as it had a lot of interesting information about Utopia on it.
  6. Utopia, Definition of Utopia, What does Utopia mean.