Friday 15 July 2011

History of Graphic Design Assignment 1

Exercise 3


How Technology influences my life:
1. I use my cell phone as an alarm clock in the morning, as well as a calender that reminds me about all the important dates etc. It also updates my calender from Facebook, adding the dates of my friends birthdays and events.
2. Brush my teeth/Shower. Technology has provided my house with fresh running water.
3. Listen to the radio while I eat breakfast. Technology keeps food fresh for longer and constantly keep everyone up to date with news events.
4. Drive to college. Technology has improved transportation.
5. Work on computers. Technology has improved the way we are able to create, work, connect etc.

My feeling on technology:
I feel that technology is a good thing, if the user has respect for it, what they use it for and the others that it might effect. For instance, our upgraded transport system, mainly the microchip, can be used to save someones life, ambulance, but at the same time it can be programmed to close the switch that will complete the circuit of a bomb. So I believe that technology has its good points and its bad points, like everything on this planet.

Others feelings on technology:
It is good, because it saves lifes, but it can be used for evil as well. However, Technology itself is not evil, it is the user, man, that can use it for personal gain. When there were no cell phones or the Internet, we had to work a lot harder.

The views are similar in the regard of human usage and life, but I find technology to be helpful whereas the other view sees it as something that makes people lazy.

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